
My Tech Corner on the Interwebz

Image by Gmit from Pixabay

Hi and welcome to my site

Here I post and blog about Tech that interests me.

You can find stuff about homeassistant, shelly’s

Hacking hardware , flashing custom firmware

EspHome sample configs

But also about Github, Azure, Linux, Cloud and random rants regarding IT

About me

Just a regular dutch guy being fed up with posting things on other sites, while i can have my own!
i find it lacking on other sites that subjects are not naturaly flowing and limited to one subject at al!
While the current state of tech is that it all connects, especialy with cloud and home automation

for example Home Assistant, works with shelly’s and node red , shelly’s can be flashed with ESP home making them even more versatile they connect to HA (Home Assistant) and are (or can be automated using Node-Red)
it all just naturally comes together!

Disclamer on this site i post my personal opinion, im not afiliated with any company what so ever and visa versa
Also English isnt my native tongue, so my apologies for any grammar errors (for you grammar nazis out there, you know who you are :P)